10 Favorite Organic Food Makers That Are Now Owned by Huge Corporations
|It might surprise you to discover that many organic brands, once admired for their purity and commitment to the health-conscious consumer, are now part of major conglomerates. As we rally behind the sustainable food movement, embracing both its triumphs and challenges, it’s never been more important to scrutinize our favourite brands and their true devotion to organic ideals. With the swelling organic food market, many small, original creators have been swallowed by corporate giants, leading some consumers to question whether these corporations truly understand and identify with the organic ethos.
These corporate goliaths purport that their goal is to reach a bigger market and make healthy, organic foods more accessible. However, consumer experience suggests this can be a double-edged sword.

Your Organic Favorites Could Be Owned by Unlikely Parent Companies
While some organic brands are loyal to high organic standards post-acquisition, there are a few infamous examples that tell a different tale. The purchase of Silk, the renowned almond milk producer, by WhiteWave (a division of the strongly pro-GMO Dean Foods) led to a controversial switch from non-GMO to GMO soybeans, kept from the knowledge of loyal customers. This change, indicative of the corporate mindset, underscores the importance of staying informed about the integrity of your favorite organic brands and their alliances.
Noteworthy Organic Brands Owned by Major Corporations

Here are ten champ organic brands that might surprise you with their corporate ownership:
- Annie’s: Renowned for their delicious mac-n-cheese, Annie’s is a subsidiary of General Mills. Although they commit to sourcing non-GMO ingredients, it doesn’t guarantee their animal feed is free from GMOs.
- Dagoba Chocolate: Seemingly an independent small-scale company, Dagoba is actually a subsidiary of the chocolate behemoth, Hershey’s.
- Cascadian Farm: This brand catering to budget organic customers was acquired by General Mills in 1999.
- Silk: The once organic WhiteWave now owns Silk, and longtime customers have noted a decline in quality since the takeover.
- Earthbound Farms: This behemoth of organic produce supply in the United States was also bought by WhiteWave in 2013.
- R.W. Knudson’s: This organic juice producer is actually owned by Smucker’s, a company known for endorsing the use of GMOs.
- Honest Tea: Despite its indie vibe, this company was completely bought out by Coca Cola in 2011.
- Applegate Farms: A top distributor of organic meat in the U.S., Applegate voluntarily changed their animal feed to Non-GMO but was surprisingly sold to the GMO-supporting Hormel in 2015.
- Stonyfield Organic Yogurt: Owned by The Danone Group, Stonyfield’s goodness has been spread around, but the industry would do well with smaller, innovative challengers.
- Horizon: Having faced allegations of being more of a “factory farm” operation than an “organic” company, Horizon is now controlled by WhiteWave. Even so, it would still rank healthier than Kraft in consumers’ minds.
In light of these revelations, it becomes even more crucial to throw weight behind smaller organic companies that doggedly stick to organic principles, regardless of whether you’re a hard-core health food fan or just someone who enjoys a meal free from synthetic chemicals. Remember, your dollar provides the ‘green’ lining to their pockets. So, make sure your money goes to a business that sincerely upholds the organic commitment and helps preserve our rights to healthy, fresh, and chemical-free food.
While size doesn’t necessarily alter the values of an acquired brand, consumers should keep a vigilant eye on the products they consume. Is the product still organic? Has the quality changed? Are they transparent about their operations?
Why Does it Matter? How Food Integrity May Be Compromised
There’s a growing concern that the very essence of what makes these brands organic— adherence to strict environmental and ethical practices — might be compromised under the umbrella of a large corporation.
Financial Pressure and Economies of Scale – One of the primary concerns is that big corporations have an inherent focus on profitability and shareholder returns. While there’s nothing inherently wrong with this, it does place immense pressure on these organic brands to increase their profit margins. One common way to achieve this is by benefiting from economies of scale. However, this might lead to sourcing ingredients from larger, industrial-style organic farms, which could compromise the environmental and ethical ideals that many organic consumers hold dear. Smaller local farms, which prioritize biodiversity and soil health, might be overlooked in favor of more ‘efficient’ large-scale operations.
Dilution of Standards – There’s also a fear that corporations might lobby for a relaxation of organic standards to make production cheaper and more accessible. This could result in a dilution of what ‘organic’ truly means, leading to a loss of trust among consumers. If the strict standards that define organic farming—like non-use of synthetic pesticides, no genetically modified organisms, and commitment to soil health—are compromised, then the very essence of organic farming is lost.
Branding Over Authenticity – For big corporations, branding is everything. There’s a risk that they might prioritize the ‘image’ of being organic over the authentic practices that truly define organic farming. Marketing campaigns could shift from genuine efforts to educate consumers about organic farming to merely selling the perception of organic, leading to misinformation and misconstrued perceptions.
Compromised Ethical Values – Organic brands often stand for more than just the absence of pesticides; they are deeply embedded in ethical values, from fair labor practices to animal welfare and beyond. With corporate takeovers, there’s a risk that some of these values might take a back seat in favor of maximizing profits. For instance, cost-cutting measures could result in reduced pay or worse conditions for workers or less humane treatment of animals.
Loss of Connection with Consumers – Organic brands, in their inception, often thrive on a deep connection with their consumers. This bond is built on trust, transparency, and shared values. However, under a corporate structure, decisions are often made behind closed doors, leading to a potential loss of transparency. Without the passionate founders at the helm who once directly communicated the brand’s mission and vision, the connection with consumers might weaken.
Be Informed, Make the Difference
In the end, it’s about the choices we make as consumers. With awareness and mindfulness, we can ensure that our selections support not only our health but also the companies truly devoted to organic farming and food practices. Below are some brands that are still independently owned that we can support:

While some of these brands may have grown over the years, their commitment to organic practices and values remains strong. Here are some smaller organic brands to consider:
- Organic Valley – Originally a cooperative of small farmers in Wisconsin, they produce a range of dairy products, eggs, and meats that are all organic.
- Nature’s Path – A family-owned organic cereal company that offers a range of organic breakfast foods.
- Dr. Bronner’s – Known for their organic, fair-trade soap, they also produce a range of other personal care products.
- Late July – A brand that specializes in organic snack foods, especially chips and crackers.
- Bragg – Renowned for their organic apple cider vinegar, they also produce other organic foods and seasonings.
- Eden Foods – A brand that sells organic beans, grains, soy products, and other pantry staples.
- Farmhouse Culture – They offer a variety of organic fermented foods, such as sauerkraut and kimchi.
- Seven Stars Farm – A Pennsylvania-based organic dairy producing yogurts and other dairy products.
- Bob’s Red Mill – While not exclusively organic, they offer a range of organic grains, flours, and seeds.
- Bhakti Chai – Producers of organic, fair-trade chai teas and beverages.
- Purely Elizabeth – Makers of organic granolas, oatmeals, and other breakfast foods.
- Equal Exchange – Though larger than some others on this list, it’s a worker-cooperative that sells organic and fair-trade coffee, chocolate, and more.
- Vital Choice – They focus on wild seafood and organic foods, emphasizing sustainable fishing and ethical practices.
- Sambazon – Known for their organic and fair-trade açaí products.
- Health-Ade Kombucha – Makers of organic and small-batch kombucha in various flavors.
Here’s to making decisions that protect our health, support the right businesses, and foster an organic future!